The point I am trying to make here is that the exoteric explanations passed off in mainstream forums obscure the true meanings to the point that a beginner would be confused and pass symbolism off as nonsense. ~ Joseph Cardinal RatzingerThe Spirit of the Liturgy. When I faced the North, I felt the lack of Sun. Find a quiet place to sit. . Let me soften into your wisdom Here on our altar, we have the symbolic elements for each direction, and we will travel through the meanings associated with each direction before entering into a time of meditation. Sold by aoneitem and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. East is the direction in which the sun rises. The four directions help to explain how we do that. And the direction I naturally chose was west, looking out over the vast San Luis Valley. drawn by flying reindeer, and the analogous rituals of an isolated peoples use of the psychedelic Amanita muscaria mushroom. Furthermore, in ancient symbolism, the element of water is associated with the female principle, a Goddess in many guises which represents love-based emotions, dedication and nurturing. The Medicine Wheel is a symbol that incorporates the four directions. North: Earth, balance and wisdom. However that didnt feel right because my back would then to the rising sun. Spirit keeper of the South, Wolf, Be with me. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The animal often associated with the West is the Bear. Upset Indigo or Crystal Children? We invite all Western spirits of good intent to join us in our ceremony today. The Medicine Wheel. The elements and cardinal directions are most commonly represented on a basic altar. The Medicine Wheel, or Wheel of Life, is represented by the four directions. When a Native American prays to the four directions, it is a prayer to the spirits of the world, to life and the Great Spirit that encompasses the four directions and everything that is. While mindfulness is something we all naturally possess, it's more readily available to us when we practice on a daily basis. From the point of view of self-development, new beginnings for us means a change in beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that essentially generate new energies and subsequently create new experiences. The four directions are ways of connecting with the seasons of our lives, and understanding them greatly assists in coming into . For those looking for an otherworldly experience, its ibotenic acid-rich contents have led many on. When God began to create heaven and earththe earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep and a wind from God sweeping over the waterGod said, Let there be light.. The axiom also holds true when applied to mankind. Help me to remember to love and feel compassion for all mankind. Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim traditions also circumambulate in rituals. 00:49:16 - In this meditation Colleen guides you through a Reiki journey and meditation to assist you in finding your path and next step in 2023. South. Specialties: Four Directions Wellness is an integrative healing provider, based in Alexandria, VA and focused on connecting body, mind, emotions and spirit. The Celtic people have retained their deep connection with land, sea, and sky; with the thresholds of dawn and dusk, and following the cycles of the year. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 198-200 Here is a healing prayer, spoken by Medicine Grizzly Bear during the Earth Healing Ceremony, Spokane, Washington, 1990: O Great Creator, I come before you in a humble manner. You can also feel the opposite of heavinesslightness. The place of self or the sacred fire of the self which is the center of all paths. I felt also the power of the Eagle, which is often associated with the East and with the element of Air. Eagles fly to the west. Unfold me like the gentle breezes that unfold the leaves on the trees. To be fair, some commentators suggest the south is a time for bloom because the south is associated with summer. For example, if the east is the dawn of new beginnings, (ie ideas, projects and new phases of life), and the south is where we grow these ideas and projects, following this line of enquiry suggests that everything is destined to fall in the west and disappear into the northern darkness where it stays eternal. We now raise our eyes to Father Sky, and to Kisulk, our Creator. 5 min. In the process of self-development, it is important to study how the subconscious mind works so we can identify weaknesses, attitudes and traits of character that no longer serve us. The creation story in the Bible asserts the same thing. And when you know this, the cycles of existence portrayed by the four directions makes much more sense. However, as you will be aware, it is what we do with knowledge that is the important factor. It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North. As we stand in a circle to be smudged and cleansed, consider the words of Black Elk, spiritual advisor to the Oglala Sioux, regarding the Circle of Life: You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round. Thus we have cycles of life and the transformation of energy. While there is some contention around this theory, there are a number of undeniable motifs connecting Santas yearly trip drawn by flying reindeer, and the analogous rituals of an isolated peoples use of the psychedelic Amanita muscaria mushroom. Hebrew scholars claim that before the Bible was doctored by Christian scribes in the 3rd Century AD, the opening passage of the Bible inferred that water existed before heaven and earth. Do your best to slow down your thoughts and be open to the wisdom the four directions have for you. The Eagle teaches us the power of seeing from a new perspective, of soaring high above the petty details of life and seeing the larger picture. If, or when, your conscious awareness has evolved to the higher realms, you will hear a voice in your mind's ear. We still use light as a symbolic mechanism to represent ideas; think lightbulbs in a skull. You can apply these conditions to consciousness. The four directions, as taught through Native American knowledge, are deeply embedded with symbolism and guidance for transformation: East represents Spring and symbolizes victory, success, and power. They say the west is a time for learning, but call east the great teacher - and the point of awakening. The same elements found in the microcosm of man are also present in the Universe, the macrocosm of everything in existence. Doing this type of self-analysis enables you to observe the energies you are projecting. Furthermore, the west is associated with the element of water which in esoteric symbolism is used to represent the unconscious and emotions. This is how most people live their lives without even realising they are creating their own experiences. East - Ha'a'aah. Visualize the earth in all of these meditations. We see birds move south, butterflies move south, whales move south, seeking warmer places when the weather gets cold. In the bible, east is repeatedly used as a symbolic tool in the creation story of Genesis. While the Medicine Wheel varies by culture . Many years ago I was taught about the significance of the Four Directions. And the internet is full of website publishing these semi-fragments of information. Is Quantum Entanglement the Key to Spiritual Ascension? In order for life to exist in any form, these four elements must exist. Although nothing is certain, the earth element, and its correspondence with the root chakra, gives us grounding and stability. At first glance, analysing the symbolic meanings of the north from exoteric interpretations, there appears to be some discrepancy. We acknowledge the Eagle, who sits in the east and carries our prayers to the Creator. Jeremiah 1:14 says that evil comes from the north. Eagle or Condor Here we see the cycle of energy and life. MEDITATION NAME: PLAY: DOWNLOAD: SOURCE * Net of Light \/ Book 1, pg 165 ** Claiming and Holding Sacred Space \/ Book 2, pg 259: The Pitcher and the Cup \/ Book 1, pg 167: Rose of the Heart Meditation \/ Book 1, pg 174: Circle of Stones \/ Book 2, pg 261 ** Fabric of Being Meditation \/ Book 1, pg 173: But all energy transforms and has an opposite - good or positive energy. The west is also associated with the element of water and the sacral chakra, both of which are related to emotions. So remember this for later: the south relates to transformation. The four directions of the Medicine Wheel remind us of many things, such as the need for balance in the world, and the balance we must strive for everyday within ourselves. And similarly feeling the sense of lightness, buoyancy throughout this body. The Worshipful Master is the highest honour of a Masonic Lodge, thus the east represents mastery - the ultimate goal. The bliss of truth comes when the mind is not occupied with its own activities and struggles.". Whatever energies you project from the unconscious (below), come to the surface (above). Handouts: Lulav_Meditation. How to teach the four directions: Here is a game you can play to help your students remember the directions. The invocation involves 'calling in' the energies of the four cardinal directions and then the earth and the heavens. . I've read that the four directions are an important consideration when doing practice. When a newly entered initiate first joins the temple, he is made to stand in the north-east corner of the temple which, incidentally, is also the corner upon which the cornerstone is laid. The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress. They explain the evolution of consciousness by revealing how thoughts shape your personality and create our experiences in life. When Adam and Eve were dismissed they headed east in search of a new home. Take any inspiration gleaned from your sacred space and share them with the earth, your family, and your community. As you face each direction, smudge or fan sage, blow scented water, or shake a rattle and say the prayer aloud. Fire is also associated with strength, activity and the life-force that provides us with the courage and motivation we sometimes need to head into new experiences with confidence. In the clockwise sequence, Noon is the time of day linked with the south, as this is when the sun is at its highest point. On the shamanic medicine wheel, north is considered to be night and "a place of nothingness where we return to the Great Mystery which will be ignited in the East." The north represents purity, meditation and intuition . After a long winter, the renewed sense of life emerges. In Shamanic traditions, the entry gateway to the sacred circle, is in the east but you should be entering with a new understanding of yourself before you can safely walk the path. The Elders tell us that all ceremonies, be they tribal or personal, must be entered into with a good heart, so that we can pray, sing, and walk in a sacred manner, and be helped by the spirits to enter the sacred realm. May the four winds carry blessings far and wide. The four quarters are colored white, yellow, red and black, representing the races of man, the seasons, and the stages of life from childhood to old age. But this is the dual nature of the gods and thus energy. Whatever the reason is, the intention must carry an unyielding presence of love and focus for sacred space to open. Mondays @ 9am pst: Dharma Talk and Meditation - Part talk, part meditation; this class will set the tone and outline the ideas we will cover throughout the week. Man did not create the web of life, he is but a strand in it. At the heart of the Shamanic path is the contract to live in harmony with nature, self, community, and spirit. The element of the west is water, and here on our altar we have some of the water collected at our Ingathering services each September. Great Spirit of Creation, send me the warm and soothing winds from the South (yellow). And that's the best place to start. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Fire is a vital energy that brings consciousness to life. Brain imaging technology shows the brain is active whilst we sleep thus the subconscious mind is still sending signals to the brain. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. As the day begins with the rising sun, I ask, Spirit keeper of the East, Brother Eagle, Be with me. Meditation and the Four Virtues. qi gong. Furthermore, following the directions in a clockwise direction is said to reveal the cycle of life from childhood to adulthood and the times of the day, albeit, the overarching meaning of growing old is the acquisition of wisdom. As our Mother, the Earth has shown us much patience in our greed and thoughtlessness, but we now know better. Creator, it is I. You can relax and surrender to the teachings of the forest and the great tree in this guided meditation. There is a reasonable explanation for this once you understand the deeper meanings of symbols. If you begin now to recognise the potentialities of your deeper mind, they will take form in the world.. The Masonic Dictionary website tells us the north side of the temple was used for stabling, slaughtering and cleansing. When you have finished your ceremony, sacred space must be closed. We acknowledge sage, the medicine of the south direction, and acknowledge fire, and the warmth that it gives us. The color is white. This meditation was called The Four Positive Prayers for the Four Directions used by the Masters of the Far East to invoke positive change in The Heart To the West, The Soul To the East, The Mind To the North, and the Strength To the South. They are Uriel (north), Michael (south), Raphael (east), and Gabriel (west). The typical sequence of the four directions starts with the east and flows in a clockwise direction. We often dont consider ourselves to be of value or to be important, but we are. Both the exoteric viewpoint and my esoteric theory relate to cycles of life, hence the common relationship between the four cardinal points, the seasons and time of day. The Medicine Wheel can take many different forms. This ceremony will acknowledge the seven sacred directions. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Jainism holds that emancipation can only be achieved through meditation or Shukla Dhyana. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. But bear is also often associated with Healing, and especially the healing that comes by using medicinal Herbs. One upstairs room has a glass door opening to a small deck that directly faces my favorite mountain. Share this post. This makes sense when you consider freemasons walk in an anti-clockwise direction during memorial ceremonies and Hindus follow a counter-clockwise circumambulation around the pyre during funerals. The circle is the earth, the moon and the planets. A pack of 4 guided meditations to connect you to the four directions. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Fire can make us act irrationally. This is a continuation of Susan's last 8 meditations which can be heard by clicking below, but it can also be enjoyed on its own.1. You start this process through meditation, prayer or making a wish. Make me courageous when the cold wind falls upon me. $15.99. When sacred space is created, the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds begin to thin and transformation ensues. It is in the subconscious mind where you personal programs are updated. Other examples of four symbolism in relation to physical nature include the four emotional states of the body; physical, emotional, sensation and spiritual, the four states of matter; gas, liquid, solid and plasma, and the four forces of nature that bind matter together; strong, weak, gravity and magnetic electricity. The point of awakening is the awakening of knowledge in the conscious mind and not the act of waking in the morning. Personal development and healing starts by exploring the depths of your unconscious and identifying blocked emotions so that you can release them. It is through the characteristics of the sun that modern words meaning to acquire knowledge or to understand something are derived; illumination, enlightenment. Tom Cowan is a shamanic practitioner specializing in Celtic visionary and healing techniques. Wind, or air, incidentally relates to states of mind. Great Spirit of Light, come to me out of the East (red) with the power of the rising sun. And there are only four elements in life: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. U open the standard "Bible" 2 any page & U have deep food 4 thought! So I tried that. And never let me be burdened with sorrow by not starting over again. The color is red and it symbolizes protection. In essence, a new aspect of reality which is what the Earth motif represents. The law of duality dictates that energy manifests as various degrees of good luck or bad luck. The Reiki Lifestyle Podcast is for all members of the Reiki community, lineages, and levels of training! The teachings of the four directions start with the east, or yellow, quadrant and run clockwise around the circle. Privacy Policy. Science reveals through the Universal Laws of Nature, that everything is in a constant state of flux (the law of impermanence) and everything vibrates at its own frequency (the law of vibration). When we dam up our feelings, just like when we dam up a river, the pressure builds until it finds an outlet. Each of the directions is thus associated with a time of day, together with a stage in life (child, adolescent, adult, old-age.) We move now to the North. Egypt - the enemy of the Israelites - is south of the promised land (of enlightenment). At noon, people from the community join at the office for an hour of complimentary . May there be good health and healing for this Earth, may there be Beauty above me, may there be Beauty below me, may there be Beauty in me, may there be Beauty all around me. We acknowledge the colour black, and the Black Race that it represents. When you try to grasp water, it escapes from your hands and is so flexible it always finds a path around obstacles. , is represented by the four directions identifying blocked emotions so that you can release them at heart... Be closed that didnt feel right because my back would then to the Creator by cookie! Greatly assists in coming into back would then to the Creator ) with the earth, your,... 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