You can also use a tool such as the MoodBoard app to help you collect, organize, and share all the visual components needed for your board. limitations of the campaign, so note budget or time constraints that will steer This answer goes on sticky note 2. You may get there in fewer than five whys. distraction, and try to discourage any chat which isnt related to the session What would that person do to manage the issue or opportunity youre solving in your group brainstorm? Amateur photographers were encouraged to tag their photos with the hashtag, and a select few were used as advertising billboards. This could include a multi-pronged approach: Lots of companies run campaigns around obvious holidays. Image source: CoSchedule. Your content marketing strategy is wilting. Here are some places to find charities: If you have customers who keep coming back, reward them for it. Not only that but they will boost energy and positive vibes in the room (its contagious, you know)! of people in the brainstorming team. Making sure your fingers are limbered up might help, but definitely isnt as important. Copyright 2023 Pepperland Marketing, LLC. A calendar that helps you see, schedule, and share yourmarketing. Email drives an incredible return on investment. Add ideas, digitize sticky notes, and drop in comments on the go. rules. To kickstart your next content planning brainstorming process, experiment with one (or more) of these six techniques. For instance, if youre trying to get some great ideas for blog posts, place yourselves in the role of your target audience. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Then ask them why the answer on sticky note 2 is true, and have them write the answer on sticky note 3. Do this by weighing up the pros and cons Lets say you were trying to come up with a list of blog topic ideas for a healthcare client. What obstacles does he face? What should you doodle? Hailing from the design world, Iris has written articles and facilitated workshops at conferences on design thinking, business design, culture design, and the creative ideation process. Although I find the Welcome everybody. Informa UK Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 1072954 whose registered office is 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG. Looking to generate ideas remotely? VAT GB365462636. The NFL stands by the LGBTQ+ community today and every day. Do a final call for any new ideas that might have emerged. The American Marketing Association has specific values marketers can create campaigns around. The campaign garnered worldwide attention and helped Apple promote their new product with customer testimony. By the end of the year, we want to reach 20,000 units of our bestselling product.. If I asked you to explain what a hat was and why it was valuable, youd probably easily be able to do it. You now know the creative processes and techniques used to generate world-class ideas. fresh perspectives, knowledge and experience helping to create a more But what if I asked you to explain what a ball-hat was and why it was valuable; could you do that? people in the right direction and limit unfeasible ideas. See how CoSchedule customers have foundsuccess. WebHere are some ways to brainstorm ideas for content marketing. . Build engagement through a high-quality, interactive contentcampaign. Buy an existing Here at CoSchedule, we repost customer feedbackand give discounts to customers willing to share their thoughts. You can begin the meeting with an activity and then transition into others over the course of the event to get ideas flowing and help break the ice, showing participants that its okay to throw out ideas and suggestions regardless of whether it is well-thought through, big, or small. Give the team structure with goals for the brainstorm. Remember, though, the brainstorming session isnt a planning process. Both results are OK. The quickest draw wins and becomes the next sheriff. Then, identify the positive things that may drive the person to seek out your company: What does he want to gain? dont make the cut. Alex Osborn said, "It is easier to tone down a wild idea than to think up a new one." From here, with confidence, so theyll be forthcoming with their ideas. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This tactic can also help you grow your customer base and help you stand out against your competition. This gives both sufficient time for idea generation, The stepladder technique encourages team building while ensuring everyone has a chance in the spotlight. This exercise gets its name from the following fictional scenario: You are in an elevator with a big-name investor, buyer, or someone else that can bring your business to new heights, and you only have until they get off of the elevator to make your pitch. Here are two ideas from Brown's book: Switching up your physical environment isn't just a fun change of pace; it can actually affect the way your brain works. Ask each player to write on an index card an idea about how to handle the situation. Movie fans who responded with an amusing idea were given a free stay at a listing that matched their dream. So, basically, the wilder the better. Book the space and make sure its free when the session is due to start. Often, For more great team-building and brainstorming activities, check out Gamestorming by Dave Gray and Sunni Brown. should also allot time to any brainstorming techniques youd like to Setting an agenda ensures no time is wasted on Share a list of goals to start the ball rolling and save Run a campaign to connect with more distributors. How would this figures approach work well? The campaign based on infographics was wildly successful due to its knowledgeable nature and subject matter. Do this for each of the 6 categories. Alex Osborn. Copyright 2023 Informa PLC Add color. 10+ Tools to Spark Content Creation. To help you brainstorm more ideas in a fast, easy, visual way, I'll share my favorite little hack: the content brainstorming key . With this detailed but easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet, your content creation efforts can be simplified tremendously. All you need to get going? A topic you want to write about. Whats Included In A Marketing Campaign? Continue asking team members to share ideas throughout the brainstorm session. A marketing campaign is a multi-channel promotion centered around a theme, event, or specific content.Marketing campaign ideas are the published content, or events, that bring your message to your audience. Tips for Effective Content Planning Brainstorming. All answers are anonymous, so no one should write down their name. What separates your product from thee competition. This campaign showed that taking a stand and making the message count can revive a brand. This game is simply to put together a collective story one sentence at a time. Heres more information: Brainstorm a List of Potential Topics One of the first steps to start brainstorming your content marketing ideas is to create a list of topics you want to cover. Start with a word in the middle and draw lines outward to the ideas that word sparks. By asking questions rather than providing answers to a problem, participants can discover new, unseen pathways towards a collective solution. and promote team building. Most customer needs arent one dimensional generally there are a few needs that need to be met. This comes easy to some and more difficult for others, but just like Osborns commandos, you cant just jump into battle without preparation. Content Marketing World is part of the Informa Connect Division of Informa PLC. That's why brainstorming sessions can be so helpful. The story illustrates Microsofts commitment to building accessible technology and the importance of inclusivity. pressure. becoming distracted, burying their nose in their laptop or notebook rather than Studies have found that enriched environments can contribute to the speed at which humans create new neurons. How might it backfire? Get your custom ROI report & see what your team could save by switching toCoSchedule! Devote 10 minutes to each step, and youll have plenty of creative ideas to choose from. "Take two unrelated things, like elephants and ice cream, and draw them in their atomized parts,". Set a deadline, then schedule a meeting where everyone comes together in real-time to discuss the ideas. Group brainstorming is beneficial to your work place for myriad reasons. Web6. A giveaway campaign is a great way to get your audience excited about new products. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Kyle is a senior client partner that brings almost a decade of experience managing digital marketing projects for a wide variety of clients. However, pair the video with hashtags, blog posts, and emails, and they come together to form a marketing campaign. Then, share what youve drawn with your team. Once set, ask your team to answer the question of why the problem is a problem. Start by drawing up a grid whose rows and columns equal the number Begin by drawing nine circles on a sheet of paper, with the This site uses cookies to provide you with the best user experience possible. This was successful because it tied into an important social issue and created a stir within the athletic community. If you're trying to get out of an idea rut, try adding a few games to your meeting to drum up some out-of-the-box thinking. Dont be afraid to use multiple techniques in a single brainstorming session. There are ways that you can take the tenets of Alexs original philosophy and create more structure (which means more output!) The viral commercial ended with a message of support for The Trevor Project. The campaign used lemons to simulate irregularities that women can check for in-between their regular mammogram screenings. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); By clicking submit you are agreeing to our privacy policy and terms of use. While there are many ways to use visual prompts in brainstorming, creating a mood board is one of the most common -- especially in coming up with new branding and design concepts. In the simplest form, brainstorming can be understood as the process of As the brainstorming facilitator, are you setting a tone for mood or the session? Organisation is key to a productive brainstorm, so get If your team can relax briefly and laugh together, your creative energy will be much higher when you refocus on the project at hand. Gilletteused this campaign to spread awareness against toxic masculinity. Occasionally the jokes are clever winners, but more often than not, the jokes are groaners. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.,,,,,, 5 Group Brainstorming Activities, Techniques and Exercises to Inspire Creativity at Your Next Sales & Marketing Kick-Off Meetings, 5 Reasons Why an SEO Audit is Worth The Money in 2023, Top 7 Alternative Career Paths For Journalists, How to Create Free Landing Pages for Schools (With Checklist), The Ultimate Guide to Core Web Vitals For A Healthy Website, Importance of Having a Facebook Ads Conversion Funnel. incorporate (more on this later). Feeling safe in sharing creative thought is the cornerstone of becoming creative. You can rotate papers several times, and start a discussion based off the new ideas that emerge. Brainstorming Tools: 25 Tips for a Remote World. By the end of the exercise, your team will have developed a certain degree of empathy for the individual in question, allowing them to identify the persons motivations. Repeat unto you have used all 5 sticky notes. Prepare Rough Ideas. Darren has 15+ years of marketing experience for retail, manufacturing, and internet corporations. Why should someone choose your product over the one they already have? Record the idea. Nothing gets the creative juices flowing like a little improvisation. Gerry Graf of Barton F. Graf 9000 has his team come up with 4,000 bad ideas before coming up with good ones. So, this preparation comes simply by getting each participant into the right creative mindset where anything and everything is a possibility. They must each stand with their backs to each other. Read about our favorites to try with your team. In fact, brainstorms work best when every attendee is at about the same level, so next time, leave the boss out of it. When it comes to sales and marketing teams, knowing what this tradeoff looks like for potential customers can help inform their selling and marketing strategies. Your email address will not be published. Each person adjacent to the croucher must turn to the other and shoot at them with their hands. They started the For What You Cant Miss campaign to make the biggest impact they could. Quantity over quality. do this is to face off ideas against each other until youre left with a After that, you send one more person into the room. You can never predict virality, but there are ways to increase the chances of your campaign going viral: Your story is an effective marketing tool. You canpromote any piece of content you create with social media and email campaigns. This is important to lateral thinking. These games are great ways to push people a bit out of their comfort zones in order to prevent self-censorship. The Five Whys. We need deliberate warm-up exercises that are not only fun, but really help your team to open their minds and set themselves up for the right type of creative thinking. Viral marketing happens when your audience generates the message of your product instead of your team. Completing this exercise will give your team a clear understanding of how their roles fit into the companys strategy, and also give them a pitch to use if they ever find themselves in an elevator with Mark Cuban. The image method, another type of visual brainstorming, involves setting your intention. From there, act out a scene, with each team member playing that role. So, what better place to find ways to warm-up, than inside the improv studio. Heres how to structure a brainstorm with heads-down time: Start with a quick 3-5 minute icebreaker. our team of experts instil creativity into all our client campaign work, using Ask your team to explain what the persons experience is, from that persons perspective. hoping to attain multiple ideas from the session. What would they not care about? Brainstorming Technique #2: Mind Mapping. In marketing, brainstorming is usually a meeting where team members from different areas come together and think of a new strategy, slogan, design style, etc. Embrace crazy ideas. Then, pass the grid around so that each What can we offer them to reach their goals? Studies have shown people are especially apprehensive when people in positions of power are present -- this apprehension can lead to major productivity loss in brainstorming groups. Because of the quick nature of elevator rides, these pitches need to be short, concise, and straight to the point. Choose a time and a place to bring people together. is full, combine ideas from different rows and columns to flesh them out. everything ready to make full use of the session. circles; you can do this for as long as you like, drawing up new circles to Each of these techniques promotes creative approaches to a problem or issue. They also share personalized data with each user (i.e., their top artists, genres, and minutes listened to). Have each team member contribute ideas to the system on their own time. Carry out a silent dot vote to identify the top ideas. Online surveys, polls, and quizzes are excellent starting points. Answer that question, then ask again, Why did this happen? Repeat until you get to the root of the issue. WebKeep in mind that brainstorming ideas for content marketing is about more than just coming up with a list of topics. Get a team of your employees together and hand out post-it notes to each person. Have the team note them below and provide some additional details. that you can stick to this time limit, it may be necessary to enforce house If youve ever felt brain drained, stuck, or like A: Brainstorming is a great technique for generating creative ideas. contributing to the session. The epic collaboration exploded amongst fans. This Check out this blog post by HubSpot on how to ensure a seamless product launch. A mind map begins with a theme, such as Asian-American marketing. Your brainstorming session should have structure; it should One of the best The sweet spot for the ideal number of participants? To have a successful brainstorm, there must be: Try doing this with another adult theyll look at you like you belong in an insane asylum. Ask participants not to use laptops or other devices, as these can be a If youve ever felt brain drained, stuck, or like you're hitting a major creative block, you know that going for a short, brisk walk can immediately snap you out of it. Copyright 2023, all rights reserved. In his 2012 New Yorker article entitled "Groupthink: The brainstorming myth, Jonah Leher pokes hole in the work by the OG brainstormer Alex Osborn, stating that, brainstorming (doesnt) unleash the potential of the group, but rather made each individual less creative. But theres a solution to this. MacKenzie Wutzke is a Content Specialist who loves using her creativity to generate new ideas for CoSchedules blog and social media platforms. Influencers can reach new audiences for you, and their endorsement can drive your sales. Carving out space for an icebreaker exercise at the beginning of a brainstorming session sets the tone, encourages mingling, and brings the group together around a common or shared experience. (For example, a marketer might ask themselves, Is this the kind of content that our customer wants to see? or a salesperson might ask themselves, Knowing how busy our target customer tends to be, maybe we need to rethink our outreach strategy.), The exercise should only take 10 to 15 minutes for each persona.. Brainstorming focuses on idea generation. Tilt the odds of success in your favor by planning a complete campaign ahead of time. the session, youre left with a collection of fully-formed ideas which can be Here are 10 tips to inspire and energize your team for your best brainstorm ever. If you love this game, you are welcome here. no good ideas fall through the cracks; you could even record the session to When challenged to create, rejuvenate, or rethink what your team does, its time to connect for a good brainstorming session. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. By using Content Marketing Institute. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Step 7: Use the group format to vote, improve, and select the best ideas. For example, a video about a contest isnt a campaign by itself. Out of Ideas? things about having a dedicated note-taker is that it prevents the team from further refine and develop the idea until youve exhausted its possibilities. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Dont set a numerical goal for your ideas. As a moderator, its really hard to get everyone comfortable with the creative brainstorming mentality in the first few minutes. In 2021, these two combined forces to create the legendary Hottie Sauce.. This is why brainstorming is often connected with improvits all about yes, and not no, but.. June 27, 2022, Published: of the session invite, list what you hope to achieve, including any notes or Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a rule when it comes to meetings that applies to brainstorms too: Don't invite more people than could be fed by two pizzas. The foundation of improv is to accept a contribution from another person with an open mind and expand on that line of thinking. It occurs when a group of people make ill-informed decisions spurred by the urge to conform. They then build out and develop, introducing their own ideas and To play, you must first ask your team members the following questions: Then, you need to create your pitch so that it includes all of this information without being too long, which sounds easier than it usually is. Free and premium plans, Content management software. Asking good questions is one of the hardest skills to master but you can, using these 5 types of brainstorming questions. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '46f97ca9-9b61-4915-beb5-7ee158c1a1d3', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Get expert marketing tips straight to your inbox, and become a better marketer. Instead of yelling Bang! they must yell the other persons name. You can open a few possibilities with this information: Heres how you can breakdown your process into three phases: This process can yield awesome results fast. job is to ensure that the session stays on track, with all points of business Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute. When its down to two left, there is a duel. Negativity is not. 9 templates to help you brainstorm a business name, develop your business plan, and pitch your idea to investors. The other person listens and then has to repeat back as much as they remember. Get our latest content directly to your inbox. person. Who is the target customer, and what do they need? both new and time-tested solutions to solve problems and meet objectives. Dont be afraid to use many different in a single session, says @DarrenDeMatas via @CMIContent. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The exercise will likely take 10 to 15 minutes per persona investigated. Creating original research is a great marketing tactic. Before you begin, make sure everyone agrees on exactly what problematic outcome youre trying to solve. At the end of the Charrette, each idea has been discussed and refined multiple times. Then, share positive feedback to draw in new prospects. someone youre working closely with as part of the project. All it takes is some market research, such as looking at the most recent census data, to help jumpstart your efforts at brainstorming ideas. You can find mind-mapping software online, but old-fashioned pen and paper will work well, too. Tell them to throw away their top half of ideas. Theyll expound the products value and why everyone definitely needs one. person can share an idea. Here are five great creative brainstorming games for you to incorporate into your next sales and marketing session to help make it more collaborative, innovative, and successful. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Were used to programmed thinking in which criticism and logical processes lead to results. While This may sound silly, but hear me out: The more relaxed and playful the environment is (without being distracting), the more your team will feel comfortable thinking and sharing freely with one another. What does a particularly bad day look like to them? They printed the most popular names on bottles of Coke, and customers were encouraged to share them with the people who had that name. of each idea, before pitting them against one another and scrapping those that Use NationalDayCalendar.comto find relevant holidays. Inviting the right people is fundamental to an effective Brand jobs can eat you up, forecasting, deadlines, reports can all make you stale. What benefits do your product offer customers? Rules: All ideas are welcome. Continue this until each team member has had the chance to read and add to each index card. Drag and drop all your inspiration into your board. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '1a0a4e5a-b3ce-4c8b-bc42-4e24cde930ae', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); The best way to get the creative juices flowing isn't by sitting your team around a conference table and asking them to shout out ideas as they come to them. As it is, this game is particularly taxing on the creative, but the point is to show how negative reactions to ideas seem to make the picnic planning process tedious and clunky. The slower of the two is eliminated and becomes part of the judging panel for any close contests. One great way to kick off this exercise is to create Buyer Personasa semi-fictional representation of your ideal customers. A mood board is simply a random collection of images, words, and textures focused on one topic, theme, or idea. This approach works best when used as a group brainstorming technique, and it helps to have a facilitator guide the conversation. All the aspects join together to accomplish a unified goal. Randomly ask one team member to share their ideas. Sometimes, you may need more. See pricing, Marketing automation software. However, this exercise really helps stretch your minds for any possibility on a subject. Setting a time in the calendar will help ensure that the right people come together. brainstorming session. For example, in the last brainstorm I ran, we were ideating digital campaign ideas for a guitar manufacturer. Mind mapsare like visual idea trees. direction by addressing unfeasible ideas. far from the goals of the session. Here are a few rules of group brainstorming: Start with a statement of where you are and a statement of where you want to be. that they will spend the next 10-20 minutes brainstorming on their own. The average person is exposed to between 6,000 and 10,000ads each day. more information about how we can help your business, visit the homepage or get in touch today on 0345 459 Theyre made up of bubbles and arrows connecting different words and thoughts to a central concept. "The result was a deeper dive into our exploration and more laughter and fun, which increased our aptitude for creativity.". The company launched a campaign to get some additional use out of old commercials cleverly. Sometimes when youre feeling stuck, try framing your session around a set of brainstorming questions rather than answers. They used Facebook Live to broadcast the process. This is a good opportunity to define the boundaries and Its successful because it targets its entire audience, personalizes it, and uses a multi-channel approach. From there, the team can collate the ideas. This approach works best when you want to enhance, not reinvent the wheel. While certain brainstorming techniques often include some Evaluating ideas too early in the process can derail brainstorming. For example, if you sell board games, you might discover your audience likes a particular type of snack. By starting your brainstorm with quiet, solo ideation time, it not only gives more introverted personalities time to work, but will prevent people from falling into groupthink right off the bat. ( Hint: consider subheadings.) What is brainstorming in marketing? Brainstorming is the process of searching for ideas by taking every thought no matter how awkward it is into consideration. Some will transform into marketing decisions later, but the primary goal of this process is to go above and beyond the perceived best practices. As soon as the first odd number is called, it is their signal to turn and fire yelling out the others name. Journalism is an essential part of todays society. Performing one or a handful of these brainstorming exercises can go a long way in helping your sales and marketing teams to better understand their roles within your organization and how your product serves your customers needs, ultimately making them better at their jobs. There are two kinds of brainstorming sessions in the world: The kind that leaves you energized and inspired, and the kind that leaves you drained, feeling like you came away with more questions than answers. The game is admittedly cheesy, but thats the point. All rights reserved. Step 6: Give a final call for ideas. 5 Group Brainstorming Activities, Techniques and Exercises to Inspire Creativity at Your Next Sales & Marketing Kick-Off Meetings 1. impartially at the start of the session. Cant make the pieces fit? Encourage participation from everyone No interruptions from outside. And so on. One way to turn a few ideas into many is by breaking Unfortunately, we learn to quiet our creative minds down as we get older because we fear being made fun of or getting rejected. So, how about finding one thats little-known yet related to your business? Creating entertaining content that reinforces your brand awareness and perception is perfect for building up an audience. Theres not necessarily a set order in which to participateanyone can jump up with their joke after the last comedian has finished. Enlisting people from other teams and departments will bring More is better. We're committed to your privacy. The brainstorming process has been adjusted and reworked by many, but the core principles have remained intact. You might be waiting for your turn to come around knowing that youre going to have Mike propose to Sally, but if the person before you kills off Sally, youre going to be stuck. Your environment is very important to creative thinking, which is why a creative space full of inspiring images, art, and plenty of space (either physical or digital) for whiteboards, sticky notes, and mood boards is important. combines both independent thinking with team collaboration, as well as the Will spend the next sheriff take the tenets of Alexs original philosophy and create more (. Team structure with goals for the brainstorm session kickstart your next content planning brainstorming process, experiment one! These 5 types of brainstorming questions rather than providing answers to a problem know ) helps to a. And they come together facilitator guide the conversation a free stay at a listing that matched dream... Your audience generates the message count can revive a brand its down to left... Arent one dimensional generally there are ways that you can rotate papers several,. Graf 9000 has his team come up with a message of your employees together and out. 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