"Health plan's devilish details". One of those people is former New York Lt. Gov. Or maybe not . [50] Regarding her status as a political rookie, McCaughey said, "Many New Yorkers see that as a plus. Although Mr. Ross is a prominent fund-raiser for the Democratic Party and Ms. McCaughey is considered a rising Republican star, the couple are determined that "Partisanship has taken a back seat to love this time," Ms. McCaughey said, repeating a favorite line. Your email address will not be published. [35] An internal memo by tobacco company Philip Morris, dated March 1994, indicated that representatives of Philip Morris had collaborated with McCaughey when she was writing "No Exit":[36][37] "Worked off-the-record with Manhattan and writer Betsy McCaughey as part of the input to the three-part expos in The New Republic on what the Clinton plan means to you. So. For this is a woman who wants desperately to be heard. Elizabeth Helen McCaughey (/mk/; ne Peterken; born October 20, 1948),[1] formerly known as Betsy McCaughey Ross, is an American politician who was the Lieutenant Governor of New York from 1995 to 1998, during the first term of Governor George Pataki. Grow your brand authentically by sharing brand content with the internets creators. While Democrats are turning US Customs & Border Protection into a concierge travel service. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Governor of New York, non-profit founder & chair. U.S. life expectancy dropped to 76.4 years, the lowest in 25 years, according to new federal data. At one of the gubernatorial debates, she showed up in a purple cocktail dress!. But as she starts talking again about serious issues, it seems unlikely Betsy couldnt notice that each pair of eyes in the room is drawn not to her face, but to some point lower. She unsuccessfully sought the Democratic Party nomination for governor after Pataki dropped her from his 1998 ticket, and she ended up on the ballot under the Liberal Party line. [51] After winning the election, Pataki told The New York Times, McCaughey would have "very real and significant responsibilities" as lieutenant governor. Site maintained by. It's amazing.". To hear McCaughey tell it, President Joe Biden is basically colluding with school districts to make every child transgender and every teacher a transgender life coach. I remember my parents sitting at the kitchen table wondering if they could afford to take [him] to the hospital. [11], McCaughey's father died in 1970 at the age of 60. Oct 19. DAnne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. McCaughey, Elizabeth P. "Democracy at risk: the dangerous flaws in the Electoral College". Linstedt, Sharon. RID has made hospital infections a major public issue. Despite McCaughey's complete lack of experience as a political candidate or officeholder and the fact that Pataki did not personally know McCaughey, Pataki perceived that she was very popular among conservatives, who, at the time, were still suspicious of him and that her public image would make his longshot candidacy more appealing to independent and female voters. Betsy McCaughey, who railed against "the transgender militants . Everyone wishes their marriage worked out. Among the complexities were arrangements for guests who included Gov. In it, Ross agreed to dump another $500,000 into Betsys cash-poor campaign, provided she didnt ask him for any money if he divorced her within the year. [69][70] She said that the Federal Coordinating Council would be composed of appointed bureaucrats charged with a costcutting agenda that would slow the development of new medical products and drugs and ration healthcare for senior citizens. Vassar College and a Columbia University doctorate followed. Trenton re-elects mayor Reed Gusciora, a gay man; Jennifer Williams, a Jagged Little Pill Isnt a hard pill to swallow. Im not sure what multiplication has to do with anything here, but I guess what McCaughey is saying is that children need a firm grasp of their times tables before they can fully understand that gender is a social construct. [69][71] She opined that the bureaucrats would use a comparative effectiveness formula, which, in the United Kingdom, had resulted in a requirement that senior citizens go blind in one eye before the government would pay for a treatment to save the sight in the other eye. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2019 LGBTQ San Diego County News. [81], McCaughey described Emanuel in a New York Post opinion article as a "Deadly Doctor" who advocated healthcare rationing by age and disability. From @Betsy_McCaughey: President Biden's trip to Mexico is a dog and pony show. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. [61] She has appeared on Fox News, CNN, and many radio shows to discuss her research and how to prevent infection deaths. To hear McCaughey tell it, President Joe Biden is basically colluding with school districts to make every child transgender and every teacher a transgender life coach. Fighting back against the thuggish ESG woke agenda, Team Bidens 401(k) heist could raid your retirement for a woke agenda, A tight job market could help kill the taxpayer-funded college racket, Truce in sight on same-sex-marriage and dissent, The Jan. 6 Committee should do its whole job, A House Republican win can be a victory for free speech, Supreme Court cases expose ugly truth of elite colleges inhumane racial admissions, Campus diversity is a scam used to promote reverse racism, With dangerous superbugs on the rise, hospital cleanup means life or death, The left wants the Supreme Court to rule with public opinion only when its convenient. In this eye-opening Broadside, she dissects the 2,700-page health legislation, shows how it will affect you and your family, and presents a battle plan to overturn it. Contact her at betsy@betsymccaughey.com or on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. She wants everybody to admire her. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. The honeymoon ended quickly. In 2009, her criticisms of the Affordable Care Act, then a bill being debated in Congress again gained significant media attention in television and radio interviews, and it may have specifically inspired the "death panel" claim about the act. She was alone. She was an assistant professor at between 1981 and 1983, teaching two classes per year, both at Columbia University Between 1983 and 1984, she had a National Endowment for the Humanities postdoctoral fellowship. One of those people is former New York Lt. Gov. A former associate of Betsys one who doesnt hate her told me: No one doubts that she is very smart. Her first suit, filed shortly after the election, seeks $20 million from Ross and from his accountant, Arthur Fox, Betsys campaign treasurer. Her rapid rise has been laced with some controversy. Elementary school teachers are putting words such as nonbinary and transgender on the blackboard, even before kids have learned multiplication, she writes. Betsy McCaughey, who railed against the transgender militants in a recent piece on World Net Daily. She is currently a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research. As Hillary was out pushing their massive health-care plan, Betsy wrote a detailed attack of the proposed legislation. Betsy would not be dissuaded. [65] Sources for her analysis included a paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, a non profit, non partisan research organization,[66] and an article in the British medical journal Lancet Oncology, which analyzed 20002002 cancer survival figures from Europe. Sorry, not to the American Civil Liberties Union, despite its century-long record protecting the free exercise of religion, she writes as if being anti-LGBTQ is a religion. Not to mention herself", "Betsy's registry. VOWS;Betsy McCaughey and Wilbur L. Ross Jr. https://www.nytimes.com/1995/12/08/nyregion/vows-betsy-mccaughey-and-wilbur-l-ross-jr.html. She lies. She made allegations about certain provisions of the bills that provided for Medicare payments to physicians for end-of-life and living will counseling and about Ezekiel Emanuel, then an adviser to the Obama administration's budget director and chairman of the bioethics department at the National Institutes of Health. The wedding's leaning was decidedly Republican, however: the cake was topped with two elephants intertwining their trunks, and the Patakis had sent a small Steuben elephant as a gift. [75] The stimulus bill was passed with the healthcare-related provisions still included. McCaughey uses Maine as an example of a place thats gone crazy for transgender people. The couple's on-again, off-again engagement had been fodder for ravenous tabloid gossip for months as Mr. Ross's divorce from his first wife dragged on. Factcheck.org, Politifact, and fact checkers at CNN all found that assertion to be false. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. A janitor's daughter born poor in Pittsburgh, Ms. McCaughey rose through academia and recently rocketed into Republican Party power, a life already the stuff of paperback page turners. [62] One of the cancer society's commercials stated, "We're making progress, but it's not enough if people don't have access to the care that could save their lives. 2023 Out In Jersey | All rights reserved. Or her chaotic public life, for that matter, which includes a disastrous run for governor, and many stories from former associates who suggest Betsy is as flaky as French pastry. Advisers told her a run for governor was overreaching. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Beating Obamacare, and its sequel, Beating Obamacare 2014. Where oh where do parents go for help to stop their children from being indoctrinated that transgender people exist and theyre humans? Governor of New York State. And cooking. Though she had always voted Republican in presidential elections and taken conservative Republican policy positions, McCaughey suddenly switched her party affiliation to Democrat and soon announced plans to run for governor against Pataki. After Pataki refused to give McCaughey permission to conduct a study into child abuse, she did one anyway and publicly announced its results. Worse, U.S. public health officials dawdled for a week, allowing air travelers . Newsweek columnist George Will used McCaughey's writings as a basis for predicting that the Clinton health plan would kill patients and make it illegal for patients to pay doctors directly for care, with 15-year jail terms for patients who tried to do so. The first part detailed specifics of the plan. The Getty Images design is a trademark of Getty Images. "[62], McCaughey criticized the campaign, saying that it should instead refocus on educating people about cancer prevention and detection. They are not even "distortions." They are made-up. Im outspoken, and its hard for the political process to take that. And to be seen. [14] In January 1993, she filed an affidavit in her divorce proceeding in which she said she had no annual earnings from employment during most of the 18 years of her marriage to Thomas, and she had never earned more than $20,000 per year except in 1990, when she "sold an idea to Fox television for a windfall once-in-a-lifetime sum of $75,000". In 1997, Pataki dropped her from the ticket with a nasty public letter and she decided to become a Democrat in order to run against him. Romance is more fun when its private, she says, letting loose with her signature full-mouth laugh. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. [7] McCaughey was publicly critical of the governor's proposed cuts to Medicaid and gave a pro-choice speech without his advance permission. She has been writing about LGBTQ politics for over a decade. ", "Hey, It's Her Party The Rags-to-riches Tale Of A Girl From A Troubled Home Who Embraced The Gop, Then The Democrats, In Her Determined Quest For The Statehouse", "A political soap opera: A look behind the scenes of the Betsy McCaughey Ross brouhaha", "An Adjutant With Attitude: Betsy McCaughey Ross Pursues Her Own Agenda", "No Exit: The never-ending lunacy of Betsy McCaughey", "Through the gates of health: Elizabeth McCaughey transformed the debate. And, thus, "death panels." And thats beautiful. Hes already told the transgender crowd, Your president has your back. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. BETSY MCCAUGHEY, PH.D.is a constitutional scholar with a Ph.D. from Columbia University, a public policy expert, and a former Lt. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, I went to McDonalds drive-thru for lunch but left with bags of cash instead, Biden, Harris photo-op with Warriors team takes awkward turn: 'I'm not doing that', Prince Harry roasted at Critics Choice Awards 2023, New Kids on the Blocks Jonathan Knight recalls pressure to hide sexuality, Britney Spears pokes fun at manic restaurant video: Best part was the pasta, Listen to chilling 911 call ahead of Lisa Marie Presleys cardiac arrest, Nick Sirianni's update on the status of Eagles' star QB Jalen Hurts, Dolly Parton Tells The View Shes Heartbroken for Close Friend Priscilla Presley Over Lisa Marie Presleys Death, Wife of 'Boy Meets World' star William Daniels details 'painful' 'open marriage'. There, she wrote an article, book reviews, and a guest editorial for its journal, Presidential Studies Quarterly (PSQ),[19] and an op-ed in USA Today advocating reform of the Electoral College method of electing the president. [32] According to McCaughey, the HMO plans would not pay for visits to specialists or for second opinions, and most physicians would be driven out of private practice. Theyre human beings and should be treated as such. [95], Politifact rated this assertion as "Pants on Fire",[96] and FactCheck.org also called it false. [75] Other conservatives agreed that the legislation could put the federal government in the middle of the doctor-patient relationship. That meant guests at the reception were treated to finger foods and cocktails rather than a sit-down dinner -- to the dismay of some. What? McCaughey, Elizabeth. Im a resilient person. TODAY, while Betsy acknowledges errors in judgment, she remains unrepentant. In 2005, McCaughey founded and is now Chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths (also known as RID), a nationwide educational campaign to stop hospital-acquired infections. 69102, in Fowler Jr., William M.; Coyle, Wallace (eds.). I discovered a really cool book over the weekend called Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder. Right from the get go children learn rules like girls love princesses and boys love dinosaurs. The obsession with gender is front and center all of the time, most hideously in the form of gender reveal parties that start wildfiresand kill people. One of those people is former New York Lt. Gov. Even before the election, she embarrassed him by distributing printed copies of her pro-choice position at a Conservative Party convention. DURING our hourlong chat in her antiques-laden apartment, Betsy delivers lengthy dissertations about her three current passions health-care policy, education reform and cooking with a Cuisinart. As a political newcomer, its obvious Ive made mistakes in protocol. Count on it. There are many illustrations of people in the book for whom you cant assume a gender. "Price controls on health care", McCaughey, Elizabeth. McCaughey, Elizabeth. Well, at least, Mr. Ross amended, from the very first date, when Ms. McCaughey walked 10 blocks through a snowstorm in her high heels to meet him for dinner. Truth is, if students are to be educated rather than indoctrinated, parents will have to stand up to the transgender militants, she writes. The things she writes are untrue. Um, I dont know at which schools McCaughey has been hanging out, but from what I can tell, those schools are not on planet Earth. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. One of those people is former New York Lt. Gov. If teaching that to kids is indoctrination, then Im all for it. Photo-ops, empty promises and such will be followed by rapid backsliding. But the wedding grew so large, Ms. McCaughey said, because "when you're not 20 anymore and you have a wedding, you have more friends to invite," accumulated over several phases of life. "We cannot falter now," McCaughey says. The second worrisome change is that Biden makes ESG . "The real McCaughey: Why the GOP's answer to Cuomo's brain has virtually vanished". 2023 may turn out to be the year when grieving Americans finally get answers. I discovered a really cool book over the weekend called Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder. RID has won legislation in over 37 states for public reporting of infection rates. McCaughey uses Maine as an example of a place thats gone crazy for transgender people. [67] The American Cancer Society responded by citing a study of nearly 600,000 cancer cases that concluded that compared to people with private insurance, uninsured patients in the US were 1.6 times more likely to die within five years of their diagnosis. U.S. Senate. They are often marginalized and the target of violence, especially trans women of color. It's reasonable that the U.S. and other countries to require air passengers from Communist China to provide a negative COVID test to board, writer Betsy McCaughey said The only thing not going viral in Communist China is the truth. [5], She received a scholarship to attend Vassar College, where she majored in history. Betsy McCaughey is a professional liar. When Pataki did not tap Betsy as his running mate for re-election, she switched to the Democratic Party, then promptly announced she was seeking her boss job. Elizabeth Helen McCaughey, formerly known as Betsy McCaughey Ross, is an American politician who was the Lieutenant Governor of New York from 1995 to 1998, during the first term . Plus, its more romantic. Married to financier Wilbur Ross on Dec. 7, 1995, in an over-the-top affair, Betsy had what she thought was a reliable financial backer for her future political plans. The couple's five daughters -- Ms. McCaughey's three and Mr. Ross's two -- all played roles, from flower girl to ring-bearer. McCaughey, Elizabeth. And you can thank the Obama health law. Organize, control, distribute and measure all of your digital content. Right from the get-go, children learn rules like girls love princesses and boys love dinosaurs. The obsession with gender is front and center all of the time, most hideously in the form of gender reveal parties that start wildfires and kill people. Elementary school teachers are putting words such as nonbinary and transgender on the blackboard, even before kids have learned multiplication, she writes. [48], In 2009, The Daily Beast called her "The Woman Who Killed Health Care". SURPRISINGLY, Betsy now backs Hillary Clinton for the Senate. Betsy blames lack of funding for her humiliating defeat to Pataki. [81] Politifact responded that the end-of-life counseling was voluntary, calling McCaughey's claim a "ridiculous falsehood" and giving it their lowest accuracy rating, "pants on fire". Or Ill wait for grandchildren., I never look back, she says. However, it is unfortunate that the couple separated in the year 1992 and divorced in the year 1994. [9], She also contributed a chapter about Johnson to the 1979 book The American Revolution: Changing Perspectives by William M. Fowler and Wallace Coyle. Trans people are not exactly a powerful lobby, unlike the Christian conservatives who demonize them. She has taught at Vassar College and Columbia University, and she produced prize-winning studies while at two think tanks, the Manhattan Institute and later the Hudson Institute. Health care is not a litmus test for me, said the woman who breathes health-care policy. RID has won legislation in over 37 states for public reporting of infection rates. By Betsy McCaughey. (Andrew Sullivan edited The New Republic from 1991 through 1996. In 1994, McCaughey worked for the Manhattan Institute, a right-wing think tank. [32], In late November 1993, the bill for the Clinton health care plan of 1993 was introduced in the Congress and made publicly available. But that also means that Bodies Are Cool is the kind of book conservatives are rallying against right now and trying to pull from library bookshelves because God forbid a kid read a book that doesnt condemn LGBTQ people. [52] McCaughey was initially tasked by Pataki to work on education policy and on reducing New York's Medicaid budget. In a radio interview with Fred Thompson, McCaughey got more explicit, wholly inventing mandatory death panel sessions American seniors would have to face every five years. This backlash is especially vicious against transgender people, with right-wing conservatives using the existence of people who dont neatly fit into male or female from birth as fundraising and fear raising fodder. They arent a scary group intent on indoctrinating your kids. McCaughey's schtick, as described by James Fallows, is to pose as a disinterested, objective researcher who is just shocked and dismayed to find something insane and evil in a piece of legislation supported by a Democratic president. "Beginner's Pluck: Unpolitician Betsy McCaughey Takes her Pragmatic Conservatism From Think Tank to State House". https://nypost.com/2023/01/10/democrats-open-border-policy-is-a-deal-with-the-devilish-drug-cartels/ @nypost, From @Betsy_McCaughey: President Biden's trip to Mexico is a dog and pony show. Some whove worked with her see Betsys behavior as overly emotional, and possibly self-destructive. From Betsy to Rush to Sarah Palin to Chuck Grassley to your own old relatives forwarding you crazy shit, probably. [69] She argued that the bill would establish two powerful new bureaucracies: the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. Dumb question. No one else has the nerve.. Anyone whos met Betsy knows shes always happy to talk health care. The backlash against LGBTQ+ people continues apace even after finally getting Trump out of the White House. McCaughey's story was really more the fault of owner/"editor-in-chief" Marty Peretz, of course, because he had a psychotic hatred of Bill Clinton.). [64] She argued that evidence had shown that the US had higher rates of cancer survival than countries with universal healthcare coverage because of shorter wait times for treatment, better availability of new drugs for therapy, and more frequent cancer screenings. Nevertheless, she then married Wilbur Ross a wealthy investment banker in the year 1995. Our January Issue Celebrates Our Extraordinary Com, Read all the January Issues Articles on our websit, 2023 is already here, and the new January Issue is, Supervisors Fletcher & Lawson-Remer Deliver Win fo. "[7], McCaughey said that she accepted the nomination by believing she would be Pataki's "point person on health policy". She chose the gold shoes, she said, lifting her billowing ivory silk gown to display them, "because I feel like Cinderella -- aren't they pretty?". McCaughey is also a weekly columnist for the New York Post, and her work is syndicated nationwide. Streamline your workflow with our best-in-class digital asset management system. That will change as more women enter politics.. [13][15], She married wealthy investment banker and prominent Democratic Party fundraiser Wilbur Ross Jr. in December 1995. Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Back in 1994, Pataki believed he needed Betsy. Street Racing and Sideshows Endanger the Public. She calls me up one day and says she was going to hold a press conference denouncing the governor, [former Sen.] Al DAmato and [Pataki press secretary] Zenia Mucha, says one former associate. In 2005, McCaughey founded and is now Chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths (also known as RID), a nationwide educational campaign to stop hospital-acquired infections. Columbia University, Ph.D., 1976, Columbia University, Master of Arts, 1972, 2015-present:Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, 2003-present: Founder and Chairman of Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, 1998-2002: Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, 1994-1998: Lt. "[45][39], According to The Washington Post, the "No Exit" article, the White House response, and the ensuing television and radio interviews with McCaughey made her a star: "Her toothy good looks, body-conscious suits, Vassar BA and Columbia PhD reduced right-wingers to mush. 1", "Daily Show: Exclusive Betsy McCaughey Extended Interview Pt. From the Right / Betsy McCaughey / Dec 28, 2022. Your email address will not be published. Betsy McCaughey is the author of over three hundred scholarly and popular articles. "[37][38] (When the memo was discussed in a 2009 story in Rolling Stone, McCaughey declined to comment. Trans people are not exactly a powerful lobby, unlike the Christian conservatives who demonize them. I feel like a very lucky princess about to wed my charming prince," Ms. McCaughey, 47, said in a prenuptial interview. [5] After receiving a scholarship, she transferred to a private Massachusetts boarding school, the Mary A. Burnham School, for her last two years of high school, rarely visiting home, then or during her college years. [54] In the spring of 1997, Governor Pataki announced that McCaughey would not be his running mate when he ran for re-election in 1998. [21][22], McCaughey also wrote op-ed columns that appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and USA Today in which she opposed plans involving local and state redistricting to comply with the Voting Rights Act,[23] and she criticized federal court-ordered desegregation of schools in Connecticut and New Jersey. Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Running on the Liberal Party line, she drew just 2 percent of the vote, narrowly beating Green Party candidate Grampa Al Lewis. , saying that it should instead refocus on educating people about cancer prevention and detection pro-choice speech his... 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